Join us for weekly worship.

Sunday Worship starts at 9:30am, both in-person and online. We usually gather after worship, downstairs at 10:30 for fellowship and coffee. Our Adult Sunday School class meets at 11:00. On the first Sunday of most months, we offer a children’s Sunday School class + activity and worship is especially kid-friendly.

Our congregation is progressive, our style is pretty casual, and our worship is traditional. Our pastor preaches a sermon and we sing hymns from the church hymnal accompanied by a piano.

Here are a few recent sermon topics we’ve heard

January 5: Kid Sunday “Here in the Light”

John 1:1-5; Isaiah 60:1-6

Preaching: Pastor Jonathan Shivley

January 12

Preaching: Pastor Tony Asta

January 19

Preaching: Pastor Jonathan Shivley

January 26

Preaching: Pastor Tony Asta

Worship with us @ 9:30 am

Safe travels to Pastor Christy Waltersdorff & Marty O’Brien

Blessings wished for Pastor Christy as she enjoys retirement!